Meet the Founder

I’ve always been drawn to the raw, organic beauty of the ocean. It’s often the overlooked, details and oddities of what lies beneath the surface that captivate my sense of wonder and ignite my creativity. Whether exploring my local beaches in the Falkland Islands or seeking out inspiration in new corners of the world, the romantic pull of the ocean always calls me to create.

While training at the world-renowned School of Jewellery in Birmingham, I began to refine my craft, developing an affinity for intricacy and quality craftsmanship. Now, I find myself creating on a tiny island at the bottom of the world – crafting handmade and bespoke jewellery that will live on for generations.


Pairing recycled gold and silver with handcrafted techniques, our jewellery is designed to last a lifetime. Many of the gemstones in our collections, such as pearls, agates, and jaspers, are handpicked by Alice during long walks along the shores of the Falkland Islands.

When sourcing outside diamonds and gemstones, we work only with a select few suppliers committed to ethical sourcing. In the Out of the Shallows Collection, we use natural Ocean Diamonds handpicked from the ocean floor off the West Coast of South Africa. 



I’ve always been drawn to the raw, organic beauty of the ocean. It’s often the overlooked, details and oddities of what lies beneath the surface that captivate my sense of wonder and ignite my creativity. Whether exploring my local beaches in the Falkland Islands or seeking out inspiration in new corners of the world, the romantic pull of the ocean always calls me to create. While training at the world-renowned School of Jewellery in Birmingham, I began to refine my craft, developing an affinity for intricacy and quality craftsmanship. Now, I find myself creating on a tiny island at the bottom of the world – crafting handmade and bespoke jewellery that will live on for generations. 


Originally from Denmark, Jo grew up surrounded by shoreline, fostering  her deep connection to the ocean and all its creatures and flora. Jo joined Alice in her Falkland studio in 2023, working with Alice on her silver collections and commissions. For Jo, being part of this team means letting her creative soul thrive, drawing upon nature for inspiration, and learning daily from the skilful Alice.


Growing up in the wild regions of Washington State and Alaska, Erin has always been inspired by wild coastlines. As a current gallery assistant, Erin will soon be taking a place at the bench after shadowing Alice, learning and refining the wax carving techniques. 

WEB DESIGNER & vA ASSISTANT- jessica Bagshaw

A versatile creative professional based in Sydney, Australia. With a passion for photography and web design, she has established herself as a skilled online marketer and website manager. Jessica's love for travel and exploring the wilderness fuels her creativity, inspiring her to capture stunning images and design engaging digital experiences. Her expertise in blending visual storytelling with strategic online marketing makes her a valuable asset in the digital world

LAPIDARIST- Martha Molkenbuhr

After moving to the Falkland Islands from Cumbria in 2006, it didn’t take long before Martha discovered an interest in the exquisite archipelago pebbles. Intrigued by the patterns and colours hidden within each pebble, she began cutting, shaping, and polishing these finds. She uses her craft to produce hand-cut and polished agates and jaspers for our one-of-a-kind pieces


The falkland islands

You can find Alice and her jewellery at the bottom of the world in our waterfront studio located in the Falkland Islands. All are welcome and encouraged to visit the studio, connect with Alice in-person, and experience the source of Alice’s inspiration firsthand.

Address: Ross Road, Stanley, Falkland Islands, FIQQ 1ZZ 


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